Page 71 - enLIGHTenment Magazine - February 2017
P. 71

the highs of lo

“I learned 
MB: You did Burning Man twice with the Dragon, and interactive control with art direction. Besides 
how was it received?
the technical requirements, there are many tiers of 
a lot from 
TL: GKR received 13 blue ribbons at Makers Faire social fabric to realize this project (i.e. the Govern- 
so I believe GKR embodies the excellence in art- ment, the Hong Kong tourism board, the general 
these col- 
making. It was very well-received at the Black Rock public, and real estate owners).
City event, as many people came up to us with awe What makes it extra hard is that because it is my 
and tremendous praises. That was a great response own art project, there is no funding. Therefore, we 
as there are many other creative and impressive art have been looking for sponsors and local public 
cars and installations throughout the event.
funding to bring this vision to the public and even- 
On a personal level, I learned a lot from these tually to reality. We launched its  rst public viewing 

collaborations about creativity, budgeting, and at Police Married Quarters (PMQ), which was well- budgeting, 
management on large-scale and international art received by the government agencies and general 

projects. It also gave me a boost in con dence in public. It was our  rst step to show to the world.
and man- 
making this kind of work and realizing what kind of 
industrial design details one needs for public, mo- MB: How do your ideas and inspirations come to 

bile art with pyro, audio, and LED interacting lighting you?
on large- 
capabilities. It is an absolutely tricky feat, as it re- TL: Everywhere — it also comes from a lot of read- 

quired dedication and diligent project management ing and research, thus it requires a strong sense of scale and 
to maintain one big art  oat.
curiosity. It really depends on the creative ques- 

tions that you set for yourself.

MB: What have been your most challenging 
MB: Who has inspired you?
tional art 

TL: My current project – Victoria Harbour Spec- TL: Claude Monet, for his eye-opening depiction projects.”
trum – is one of the most challenging ones since of lights through his Impressionist paintings, Leo 

the art concept is to evolve and replace the cur- Villareal for his inspiring Arti cial Intelligence-like 

rent nightly light show “Symphony of Light” in game-of-life programming on LEDs, Zaha Hadid for 
Hong Kong that involves over 50 buildings around her out-of-this-world spatial and sculptural design 

the harbor. My goal is to create the largest digital concepts, Issey Miyaki for his relentless pursuit 
canvas in the world with real-time synchronization
of fabric minimalism and abstractism, and Cai

february 2017 | enLIGHTenment Magazine 69

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