Page 72 - enLIGHTenment Magazine - February 2017
P. 72

the highs of lo

and capabilities of 3D printing and I hope to keep 
exploring its limits in my art-making in the near 


MB: What are you trying to say with the psychol- 
ogy of your designs?

TL: I am trying to bring the futuristic light and media 

vision into my work so each work is more intelligent, 
interactive, immersive, or informational to improve 

our experience with the medium. Psychology would 
be giving true meaning and function in light and 

color, to various spectrum, to be precise.

MB: What is “persistence of vision” for you?
Victoria Harbour 
TL: Persistence of Vision (POV) is an optical illu- 
sion that the brain compiles of broken visual data 

through the human visual system and constructs 

into a complete or moving image.
“I always
Guo-Qiang for his mastery of techniques and ap- I have researched and designed a series of art- 

plications of  reworks powders in performance and work based on POV. The work is a rapid scanning 
push the  ne arts-making.
of digital images on a single strip of LED, and the 

audience perceives the full image with slight head 
MB: Can you discuss your techniques and or eye movements. A 2D POV e ect is created with 
the linear pixel scanning combined with human vi- 
TL: There are three focuses and on-going devel- sual system movements.
as I believe opment in my current works: sculptural design, 

spectrum manipulation, and interactive dynam- MB: What are some of your future projects?
there is 
ics. The art director in me always urges me to  nd TL: The Victoria Habour Spektrum (VHS) - Meta- 
the best and most relevant creative concept pos- tron Allure is a large linear line sculpture that I am 
sible before developing the artistic direction for completing to gauge and explore mass group inter- 
the work. The techniques and materials are heavily activity with a 21st Century divine sculpture with the 
parity and 
based on the concept, the brief, and budget. My latest technology. The artwork is not out yet so I 

mundane work emphasizes and challenges the norm and will hold o  and disclose more information at the 
intricacies in visual, scienti c, and spiritual realms later time. (You can actually see it on my Web site 
works out 
through the use of luminous and contemporary though.) Seven Keys is a remake of the ancient color 
technologies. I always push the envelope technical- chambers with current technologies. It is a research 
in the world 
ly as I believe there is enough parity and mundane project that we are pursuing to blend technologies 

that true works out in the world that true innovation and cre- with holistic healing through our  ve senses. It is 
ativity are what is needed for inspiration and sets us a collaboration with other artists and healers. My 

innovation apart from the norm.
responsibility in this project is exploring Chroma- 
I do some of the programming, but my colleagues therapy with LED technology and the dynamics 

and assist me as well since usually it’s a mix or combi- of sacred geometry. The research has been tre- 

creativity nation of di erent programs and languages. Their mendously sublime as the cra  of light therapy and 
computer science background helps and inspires geometry goes back thousands of years. It has truly 

are what is me in more e cient ways of executing it.
been eye opening and we are only at the tip of the 
iceberg, even a er years of planning.

needed for MB: Do you use 3D printing for lighting design?
We just had the  rst exhibition at the K11 Art Mall 

TL: I started using 3D printing in my last project, in Hong Kong. It was also part of the 2015 UNES- 
“Seven Keys” and I have printed 7 lamp  xtures CO’s International Year of Light event and we are 

based on the Platonic solid shapes with sacred ge- planning to bring it to other parts of the world for 
ometry pa erns. I truly see the endless possibilities
greater healing impact in the world. 

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