Page 123 - enLIGHTenment Magazine - January 2017
P. 123

True Justice

From a 1950s ceramic gi ware business to a handcra ed 

ceramic wall sconce line and beyond, the Levin family has 

headed this successful domestic manufacturer for three 



t all began with Alfred Levin, who founded the our contemporary metal structures to give the 

California-based ceramic gi ware and kitchen- CHOICES line a very designer-friendly feel.
ware company Treasure Cra  in the 1950s. Two 

decades later, Alfred’s son Bruce took over the Q. wHaT Is THe company known for?
business and eventually acquired Justice De-
A. The Form+Finish+Function ceramic line is 

sign Group, LLC in 1995, bringing that company’s intricately handmade and assembled from the 

operations into the Treasure Cra  factory. In fact, slip casting to detailed carving and  nishing us- 
many current and former Justice Design Group ing both hand-painted faux  nishes and glazes. 

employees were originally hired by Treasure Cra .
The line is extremely durable and versatile and, 
Today, Bruce’s son Brandon is President of because of its semi-customizable format, it is very 

Justice Design Group and has helped lead the designer-friendly.

company forward in its expansion while still manu- 
facturing its extensive line of high-quality ceramic 
Manufacturing and assembling lighting 
lighting in California. Here, he explains how the 
family-run company has evolved.
products to order in our 90,000-sq.- . 

Q. How Has THe company been abLe To 
facility removes the constraint of 
compeTe wITH ImporTs?
minimum order quantities
A. When Justice Design Group was acquired in 
1995, the primary challenge was how to make do- 

mestically manufactured product not only stand 

out amongst the competition, but also how to grow 
the company in the face of product being import- 
Bruce Levin 
ed from China. With the Form+Finish+Function and his son 
product line that was developed, Justice Design Brandon 

has been able to o er 250 shapes in ceramic, 30 have each 
 nishes, and multiple lamping options. Manufac- the family 
turing and assembling lighting products to order 
in our 90,000-sq.- . facility removes the con- 
straint of minimum order quantities, which can be 

quite high with imported product and also gives 

customers shorter lead times. It’s now our niche: 
providing premium, distinctively designed prod- 

ucts that are made to customer speci cations 
— even if it’s just one piece.

Our CHOICES line is imported and we keep 

deep stock of most items so that lead times are 
also short. The distinct shade materials and vari- 

ous  nishes across multiple shade collections in 
that program can be mixed and matched with

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