Page 124 - enLIGHTenment Magazine - January 2017
P. 124
true Justice
Q. wITH THree GeneraTIons of
ownersHIp aT jusTIce DesIGn, Have
THere aLso been muLTIpLe GeneraTIons
of empLoyees?
A. We are proud to have many employees who
have been with us for 20+ years. Some of our
employees have had the opportunity to work for
Brandon, as well as Brandon’s father, Bruce, and
Bruce’s father, Alfred. We also have several long-
term employees at the company whose children
are now working at the company.
Q. How mucH of your busIness Is In THe
resIDenTIaL secTor versus commercIaL?
A. We are nding that our residential customers –
abovE: The ceramic which is about 75 percent of our business –
gravitate towards our line because of the various
product line is made at the
Los Angeles factory.
options that are available to them. The ability to
choose a xture, a metal nish, lamping options,
right: The sleek vanity
and an elegant shade material in a distinct shape
strip and the LED illumi-
nated mirror are part of allows both our residential and commercial
the company’s bath line.
customers to nd the perfect lighting choice for
all of their décor, even if it varies from room to
bElow lEft: Sconces in room.
the ceramic Sun Dagger
Collection can be speci-
Q. wHaT Do your cusTomers say makes
ed in 30 nishes and 15
cut-out options.
jusTIce DesIGn sTanD ouT?
bElow right: The ADA- A. Without a doubt it would be our wide selec-
tion of materials. Having options available ranging
compliant Century wall
sconce is suitable for from alabaster and high-quality resins to porcelain,
damp locations and can be
ceramic, fabric, and Venetian glass gives our cus-
lamped with LED, incan- tomers the ability to take one xture and instantly
descent, or uorescent.
A faux porcelain resin change the look and feel of it to complement any
shade with a wave pa ern room or décor simply by swapping out a shade.
adds visual interest.
Our commitment to providing distinctive, quality
product is what makes us stand out amongst our
Q. wHere Do you see THe company
GoInG over THe nexT 5 years?
A. In 2016 we made a big push to move to a
sleeker, Contemporary aesthetic and we are
continuing in this direction in a big way for
2017. Incorporating new LED technologies has
allowed us to take a step away from more tra-
ditional and transitional xture design. January
2017 brings an exciting new category for Justice
Design Group in the form of an extensive line of
decorative outdoor lighting.
122 enLIGHTenment Magazine | january 2017