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aren t available, consider running a student contest (for a cash prize)
such as the most creative use of photography in shooting a lighting
fxture or a humorous jingle/marketing campaign for the store.

6 Shake Up Your Advertising

Consumers don t come into your store hoping to see the typical
products they can fnd everywhere else; they want to see some-
thing truly unique. Instead of using a standard lighting fxture in
your advertising, select one of the most unusual pieces you carry
as the lone image. This will immediately send the message that
your store is the source of truly up-to-the-minute styles (since they
already expect that you carry the basics).

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MaxiMize Your ROI

3 Become a Joiner

There are many national organizations in addition to design groups that
have chapters in your business area. The American Marketing Association,
professional home stager associations, garden clubs, local networking groups,
breakfast clubs, womens clubs, the Lions club, and other service organiza-
tions ofen are looking for informative talks and would be delighted to hear a
presentation on energy-efcient lighting, the lighting needs of seniors, and even
current trends in lighting and home design.
4 Practice Creative Thinking

Don t be afraid to go outside of your comfort zone when it comes to audiences: Consider a presentation to the
PTA on how lighting your kids homework area could lead to beter test scores; talk to hospitals and medical
facilities on illuminating rooms for beter patient comfort or operating rooms for greater shadow-free light; or
speak to facility managers and maintenance personnel on energy-efcient lighting control systems including
vacancy/occupancy sensors. Approach a local college about seting up a table on move-in day. I know of one
[electrical distributor] who did that and made $5,000 in one day by assembling and selling $25 packages of
items like extension cords, bulbs, bateries, alarm clocks, task lamps things the students need, but forgot to
bring and that normally their parents would have to make a quick trip to Home Depot to get.

5 Reach Out to Fresh Talent

Consider approaching the photography, engineering, and marketing
departments of the nearby community colleges or universities to ofer
students the opportunity to build their portfolios through an internship
(paid or unpaid with college credits) or by handling a project such as
photographing displays in your store or installations at clients homes
or helping to create a promotional campaign. If credits or internships