Page 48 - enLIGHTenment October 2016
P. 48

Redefining Luxury

AbOvE: Designed by New them are great, but there’s something to it and it’s a region, it is also important to ensure the interior 
York City-based archi- not just price. There are a lot of hoteliers who use experience is  uid throughout — from the biggest 
tect and designer David 
the service, so it should make the industry sit up details to the smallest.
Rockwell of The Rockwell and say how do we do this?” And it is. The com- “To make a great party, you need interesting and 
Group in collaboration with 
the Morgans Hotel Group pany’s “Live like a local” mantra has moved from di erent people with commonality. The best hotels 

design team, the Ames mainstream to mainstay luxury brands that are de- transcend segmentation and have a mixed social 
Hotel in Boston is a 19th vising and revising their traditional approach.
center,” explained Pushelberg. “It’s a combination 
century historic building 
that has been re-imagined “Authenticity in locale has big in uence,” added of things that make people want to spend more 
Ke er. “You need to deep dive into cultural, money to stay somewhere. There is a value to fa- 
with modern sensibilities.
physical, and social aspects of a place, making the vorite hotels, like The London Edition. There are 
bElOw: The panelists of the 
“De ning Luxury for Today” inclusive exclusive.” While the exterior environment di erent aesthetics. You can’t throw the same party 
plays a critical role in channeling the “realness” of
twice.” This is especially true when it comes to din- 
ing, which has evolved tremendously in the luxury 
experience from what was traditionally expected 

and accepted in the past.

“The world today is a sharing community. We 
love our Instagram. We love our Facebook. We 

love that it connects people around the world 
instantaneously with things that they wouldn’t 

normally be exposed to,” Ke er remarked. “That 

is in uencing dining, how you experience di erent 
foods, di erent chefs, and how you engage di er- 

ent communities that aren’t just your immediate 
instant go-to’s.”

“Authenticity is the driver,” Jacobs concurred. “It 

used to be a traditional restaurant with a separate 
door and white tablecloths. Food has evolved to 

be much more authentic. It’s not about tablecloth. 
It’s more about the $7 best thing you ever had vs.

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