Page 50 - enLIGHTenment October 2016
P. 50

Redefining Luxury

$300 gastro-chemistry.” While authenticity may fairly unique to the hospitality industry. If you look 
be the end game, luxury still remains truly de ned at the retail industry there’s this thing called control 

by ensuring every step of the consumer’s experi- — and every great brand has control. Do you think 
ence is accounted for.
Apple allows its operators to do what they want? 

“I just got back from Dubai. We can all a est that No. How about car dealerships? When Toyota rolls 
we notice when the service isn’t consistent. It’s the [a dealership] out, it must be consistent with what 

one thing that gets to me,” revealed McMahon. “We their strategy and vision are or they don’t get cars.”

always tell our clients that we can create an envi- “The di erence between Apple and Toyota ver- 
ronment that feels like luxury and looks like luxury, sus hotels is we don’t want that level of consistency. 

but if you don’t follow that up with service that’s We want the level of experience, so it’s intangible,” 
At Mohegan Sun commensurate of what that brand is, then you’ve added Pushelberg. “That’s where we want consis- 
Casino in Connecticut, 
the Wombi Rock room just lost it. That, for us, is the biggest challenge.” tency — in experience. The old-fashioned brand 

features a planetarium The panel was in agreement that this speaks to the hotels had to be [a certain square footage]. All of 
ceiling with changing issue and importance of de ning brand.
these dictates are arti cial and don’t substantiate 
 ber-optic displays 
of the sun, moon, and “Is brand being an experience or a logo?,” in- anything. Instead, talk about the true narrative 
quired Jacobs. “Unfortunately. some of what we that’s informative to your design. I think that, ulti- 
stars and is accompa- 
nied by lighting e ects are seeing in the hospitality industry as the de ni- mately, what the consumer wants is choice. There is 
on the multi-level onyx 
and alabaster enter- tion is the logo and the logo drives rate. [As in] if a strategy of giving people choices today. Once you 
I put this logo on the side of a building, I can get do that, you satisfy their needs rather than impos- 
tainment venue called 
VISTA Lounge.
this much per night. That’s very unfortunate and it’s
ing upon them.”

48 enLIGHTenment Magazine | OctOber 2016

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