Page 88 - enLIGHTenment October 2016
P. 88

on the Mark



Believe it or not, good “product sell-through” doesn’t just 

happen; it’s part art and part science.


any factors go into purchasing items advantage, however, is that the Web o ers unlim- 
for your store. Typically you select ited space. One side note: as a retailer, if you do not 

products that are popular and that include omni-channel marketing as a strategy, you 
represent your store’s image. As are missing out on that unlimited digital space. The 

the retail arm of the lighting indus-
brick and mortar channel has physical space limits 

try moves forward, providing carefully selected and must make an impact in a more thoughtful way.
merchandise in a curated environment of educated Selection begins with a very careful process 

employees – combined with a memorable customer consisting of several steps, including some in the 
experience – is the best way to stand out in a world pre-purchase stage. By following these guidelines, 

of in nite choice.
you will gain an advantage over your big box and 

In the digital world it is pre y easy to show im- digital competitors and will appeal to your speci c 
ages and words for thousands of items — and customer base.

before the “e-stores” come at me with a vengeance, 
realize that what they do also requires labor. The
The PeoPle

Lighting stores are owned and operated by many 

wonderful people who have the best intentions for 
their stores, sta , and community. To do the best 

job possible, they need good information backed 
up with a plan of action. To make a good plan, you 

must make decisions on how you will proceed with 

the purchase, presentation, and sale of your mer- 
chandise. This requires you to have information on 

your target market, o er a product mix that appeals 
to them, decide how you will market to them, and 

establish the price position of your merchandise. 

A well-devised plan will take several hours to do, 
but it will save you hundreds of hours and possibly 

thousands of dollars.
Who have you identi ed as your target audience? 

This is a crucial  rst step for any brick and mortar 

business. While this seems like an easy question to 
answer, take the time to develop thorough answers. 

By understanding your target, you will be able to 
determine the categories you o er and their price

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