Page 89 - enLIGHTenment October 2016
P. 89

On the Mark

A well-devised plan will take several hours to do, but it will save you 

hundreds of hours and possibly thousands of dollars.

points. Every showroom will have more than one Details to be aware of are:

group of clients they want to target, but there will  People who are living in, built, or have

be consistency throughout.
purchased a home valued at ($X) located 
in (X town) and moved in within these (X) 

A Word of CAuTion
timeframes. Within a 50-mile radius of a 
A er conducting workshops on creating customer showroom, the demographics will vary as will 

personas, I have found many times the descriptions the pro le of the people who live there.

that are  rst created by the a endees are either  Age range of the target audience 
too general or too detailed. If you identify your tar-  Household income

get audience as, “people who want lights and home  Location: urban / suburban / rural 
accessories,” your description is too broad.
Family type/ size
Clarity and detail are the components of a well- 
thought-out picture of the customer you want to 
a ract. On the other hand, if you have too much This next step is knowing which products are selling 

detail about your target audience – to the point and the level they sell through. Ge ing this infor- 
that you know which brand of cereal they like – you mation requires analyzing a variety of sales-related 

have gone too far.
data — and this data is comprised of in-store sales 

Uncovering speci c characteristics that make up reports, industry trend reports, and information 
your buyers’ personas is an intensive process that from your vendor partners. Pay careful a ention 

will lead to a more selective approach to the items to identifying pa erns that indicate that there may 
you display.
be  nish, product, or category trends unique to you

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