Page 62 - enLIGHTenment Magazine - September 2016
P. 62
Fine tuning
Next to
Lightfair a endees. Customers and clients are no explained that o ering a tunable white light has
longer impressed with the opportunity to customize been a home run for the Truline series. “You can go
a portion of the lighting design; they’re now expect- into the wall or out of the wall with it,” he noted. “It’s
ing it. Companies that perform all, if not some, of all made in Chicago; you can personalize it like a suit.
their manufacturing domestically have an advantage. You can literally order it piece by piece. Not only are
versatility For example, CSL received a lot of a ention for its you the lighting designer, but you are the xture de-
Eco Downlight, which is made in its Californian facil- signer, too. You can build your lighting like LEGO®s
is crucial
ity and completely con gurable. It allows customers and order it by the inch or half-inch. It depends on
to build their own recessed downlights online using what you’re trying to do.”
to today’s
the company’s Web site. There are four choices in For Barn Light, having an 86,000-sq.- . powder-
optics, four color temperatures, a choice of square coating facility in Florida allows the company to o er
or circle trims/collars, an array of wa ages, and a custom as well as standard nishes. The porcelain
speci ers choice of eight drivers to choose from — plus the nish is one of its unique features; it provides a high
order can be turned around in 10 days.
gloss because it is a glass fret that is baked in the
Having the ability to tweak the aesthetics appeals oven. Brass and Copper nishes are also available.
to today’s lighting designers working on high-end Next to customizable options, versatility is crucial
homes and other projects, according to Steve to today’s lighting speci ers and consumers. Some
Nadell, President of Troy-CSL Lighting. “They like of the guesswork of choosing the correct lighting
having a driver selection and the other choices. temperature for a given se ing has been removed
That’s why we went to this type of [buildable] prod- thanks to the proliferation of “tunable white” color
uct line. When our customers do project work, they temperatures becoming more widely available from
want things to be idiot-proof so they don’t have to a variety of manufacturers.
think about it,” he said. “The world has gone toward This year’s Lightfair in San Diego was de nitely
speci er-driven designs; they want what they want. unusual in that it might be the rst one in some time
Or, in the case of contractors, they want it fast.”
that new LEDs were not the main story at the an-
At Pure Lighting, company founder Greg Kay
nual show.
This simple display
at the CSL booth
perfectly illustrates
the amount of
options o ered
and conveys
the notion of a
“buildable” recessed
lighting xture that
designers can easily
personalize for their
60 enLIGHTenment Magazine | SepteMber 2016