Page 68 - enLIGHTenment Magazine - September 2016
P. 68
Stark Raving Fans
“ALA conventions were sure to be a success
tomato on his hamburger.”
David loved Nascar, Indy Car, plays at ASU Gam-
with David there to get things started. The
mage, Country Thunder, gymnastic events, and even
Disney on Ice – always inviting someone to join him,
lighting industry was a real passion of his and
according to Childers. “Golf was always a fun time
he was always available to assist the industry.” and the cart girls wherever he played were asked
for an 8x10 glossy picture for his collection — he
—Allen Childers, Statewide Lighting
never really got one, but he always asked. I remem-
ber one of his greatest thrills was going to Australia
just to watch the America’s Cup races,” Childers
one time when Aimee was in high school and just says. “ALA conventions were sure to be a success
started to date. David was at the house when the with David there to get things started. The lighting
boy arrived to pick her up, and on the spur of the industry was a real passion of his and he was always
moment, David decided to be me. That poor kid! He available to assist the industry. He could start a con-
was drilled and questioned about his intentions and versation with anybody anytime, and by the time
planned activities for the night with his daughter. you parted you were friends with him. His profes-
Our daughter was laughing hysterically from upstairs sionalism was always visible with his monogrammed
and allowed David to continue for quite some time. “DS” shirts, (always on the right cu so when you
They did manage to get out the door and not sure shook his hand, it was visible), and a handwri en
what ever happened to the young man a er that,” Thank You note for whatever he a ended. David’s
Childers states. “Place se ings at our Thanksgiving friendship will be greatly missed.”
and Christmas table won’t be the same. The last few Adds Je Levkowitz of Sun Lighting in Tucson,
years I managed to get him to try di erent healthy “David was a great rep and friend. He always asked
foods like kale salad and even a quinoa dish, but for about my family. He met and knew everyone at our
the most part if the food wasn’t beige, it wasn’t for o ce. He was always dressed to impress and could
him. His idea of having a salad was the le uce and
make anyone laugh. He will be missed by so many.”
At the newly opened
historic Old Parkland
o ce campus in Oak
Lawn, executives of the
Dallas Market Center
invited a select group of
industry members who
were a ending Market
to the gala event. The
campus is also the head-
quarters for the invest-
ment company Crow
Holdings, which has ties
to the late Dallas devel-
oper Trammell Crow,
who created the Dallas
Market Center. When
David Stark saw me tak-
ing a photo of Hinkley’s
Wiedemer family with
Trammell’s son Harlan
Crow, he asked me to
re-take the photo so
that he could get in the
picture, too. Because
it was David, we all
obliged this request —
even Harlan.
66 enLIGHTenment Magazine | SepteMber 2016