Page 67 - enLIGHTenment Magazine - September 2016
P. 67

Stark Raving Fans

“To say David was unique is an understatement; 

he was truly one for all time.”

—Rick Wiedemer, President of Hinkley Lighting

During the interview, he was quick to point out sense but just as importantly as a spirit and person- 
the similarities. “The lighting industry, especially ality that upli ed everyone around him. I have lost a 

back [in the 1970s and ’80s], was a very social at- good friend.”
mosphere. Many deals were made over golf outings Allen Childers, of Statewide Lighting in Sco - 

and other casual get-togethers,” he told me. Yet, he sdale, and his family was devastated by the news 

still maintained a sense of formality with his hand- of David’s passing. “We lost one of our truly best 
wri en Thank You notes (I am the recipient of some) friends and family members. David enjoyed life to 

and his insistence on wearing a jacket and tie — the fullest and was always there for support. He 
even in summertime in the Sunbelt — when calling loved the lighting industry and was always avail- 

on customers. He knew what retailers wanted be- able to help it grow. For 40 years in the industry, 

cause he had been one in Florida before moving to he went over and beyond to make things be er and 
Arizona. The  rst manufacturer he represented was made it fun in the process. The party did not start 

Lightcra , followed by a 30-year career represent- until David arrived — whether it was a family dinner, 
ing Sea Gull Lighting and other manufacturers such birthday, Christmas, or a convention with thousands 

as Hinkley.
of people. You always knew when he arrived and 

Rather than publicly  aunt his business acumen, he usually was there to say good night to the last 
David preferred to be underestimated. Ask him for person,” he recalls.

his viewpoint on a current challenge facing lighting “[My wife] Robin and I  rst met David through 
retailers (or reps) and he’d provide a valuable and in- Rader and Beverly Rollins (Robin’s parents) when he 

sightful assessment — but he’d rather make you laugh.
was introduced as ‘one of their lighting reps.’ Li le 

Rick Wiedemer, President of Hinkley Lighting, did we know what an integral member of our family 
recalls, “To say David was unique is an understate- he would become! When we moved to Sco sdale, 

ment; he was truly one for all time. On one hand, he he assured them he would watch out for us and we 
was a consummate salesman in the most bu oned became family,” Childers recounts. “As his family 

up and traditional sense. On the other hand, he was lived in cold country and he only visited in the warm 

a jokester with the ability to hold a crowd on the months, our family was his family and we enjoyed 
edge of their seats while he told a story. David will almost every holiday or birthday at one house or 

be missed by so many and can never be replaced. the other. Our girls growing up considered him their 
He was an All Star for Hinkley, not only in a business
‘crazy uncle’ who loved to have fun. I remember

SepteMber 2016 | enLIGHTenment Magazine 65

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