Page 65 - enLIGHTenment Magazine - September 2016
P. 65
Under the RadaR
Meanwhile, if you were an electrical distributor
or lighting showroom owner, you knew and trusted
the Angelo Brothers (ABCO) brand implicitly. From
component parts (i.e. glass ers, harps, sockets,
switches, canopies, chain, cords/wire, nials, cross-
bars, risers, and decorative hardware) to decorative
lighting (i.e. indoor sconces, pendants, chandeliers,
outdoor xtures) and ceiling fans, ABCO was al-
ways able to ful ll any electrical supply store’s or
electrician’s needs. With the transition from the
ABCO brand to Westinghouse Lighting long since
accomplished, the brand is poised to expand in its Some of the
70th year, as evidenced by its booth at this year’s latest products
Lightfair International in San Diego.
available from the
“It’s been over 16 years under the Westinghouse® Lighting brand.
name, and we’re the only well-recognized brand
that carries bulbs, xtures, ceiling fans, and all of
the accessories,” says Ray Angelo, President and
CEO of Westinghouse Lighting, headquartered in se ings, and consumers are expecting the quality
Philadelphia. “We’re proud of our 70-year legacy and customer service from a [big] name brand,” An-
[as Angelo Brothers] and believe our best years are gelo explains. “For people who are more technically
ahead of us, having a consistent company message, oriented, we o er energy calculators and speci ca- “It’s been
staying true to our roots, and bringing this multi- tion sheets.”
channel and multi-line business [forward].”
As lighting legislation and regulations change, over 16 years
This spring, Westinghouse Lighting had a pres- it’s a daunting task to keep on top of the updates.
ence at the gigantic international Light+Building “We have someone full-time who handles compli- under the
show in Frankfurt, Germany. “We’ve o ered our ance and stays current on lamps. We’re all about Westinghouse
products under the Westinghouse name in Europe compatibility,” Angelo notes. “We’re big supporters
for the past 16 years and have developed good re- of the American Lighting Association (ALA) and name, and
lationships,” Angelo explains. “At Light+Building, we the National Electrical Manufacturers Association
got to meet many of our customers face to face. (NEMA). Most manufacturers don’t fully under- we’re the
We brought the whole team from Philadelphia to stand how much these two organizations do on the
only well-
Frankfurt; we’re very team-oriented. We have a lot industry’s behalf regarding compliance.”
of employees who have been with us for a very long With LED technology progressing so rapidly,
there are a lot of aspects to monitor. “Quality con-
Stefano Caposecco, Director/Product Market- trol is key,” Angelo remarks. “The light quality brand that
ing at Westinghouse Lighting, works closely with must be maintained over time; it can’t go bluish or
carries bulbs,
Westinghouse’s team in Germany for design ideas. have lumen depreciation. We have new products
“We want to be real quick regarding our speed to in every category and while that’s challenging, we
market to give our customers the next generation welcome it.”
of lamps,” he says.
For all of the technology that the company o ers,
ceiling fans,
Regardless of where Westinghouse custom- there is another important criteria to keep in mind:
ers are located, they appreciate the consistency. “We want to price things where the consumers and all of the
“Fundamentals are important to us — whether it’s can a ord it,” Angelo notes. What he and Capo-
quality issues, service, or our responsiveness,” An- secco are most interested in, going forward, are the accessories.”
gelo says. Customers know what to expect and that trends for incorporating LEDs into xtures and for
loyalty goes both ways. “We don’t sell direct; we re- low-pro le LEDs. The company also has a policy
—Ray Angelo,
spect the value that each channel brings,” he adds.
of not launching a product until it’s already on the President & CEO
“Builders and consumers are more knowledge- way to the warehouse. “If we promote something,
able about lighting now. We’ve found that the we should have it in stock,” he quips. “We under-
e-tailers are looking for richer content with room
promise and over-deliver.”
SepteMber 2016 | enLIGHTenment Magazine 63