Page 82 - enLIGHTenment Magazine - September 2016
P. 82

Go West

This 2015 color- 
immersive installation 
is called Your Colour 


color and light in combination have interested and reinvent my work regularly, purely because I think 

in uenced me the most: Robert Irwin, Dan Flavin, less about the light source and more about the 
James Turrell, Daniel Buren, Carlos Cruz-Diez, space we inhabit.

David Batchelor, Ann Veronica Janssens, Anthony I believe that understanding of color can only be 
“I DON’T SEE McCall, and Olafur Eliasson. These works have realized through the presence of light. I use light 

MYSELF AS had a direct e ect on the scale, ambition, and as a tool, controlling the amount, shape, form, size, 

A LIGHT form of my work. For me, J.M.W. Turner remains color, strength, and quality of it to  ll architectural 
the father of light art.
spaces or fabricated structures to immerse the 

ARTIST. I SEE viewer in a rich, saturated environment. My color 
MB: You tend to work with  uorescents, repeti- pale e is the neon luminous hues created using 
tion, and scale. How do you experiment to get industrial manufacture.
the e ects that you want?
For me, color and light are inextricably con- 
LW: Both light and color are wide in their out- nected. I am not a racted to surface color like I 
reach and ability to transform, perceive, deceive, am to luminous color, hence not being a traditional 
A LABEL illuminate, and optically challenge myself and my painter. Subjective mixtures of colors are core to 

WHICH viewers. There are so many possibilities to create my understanding of color and have helped shape 

SUGGESTS using light as a medium. I never feel restricted, the backbone of my practice, but it is my ongoing 
maybe because I don’t see myself as a light art- investigations into additive mixtures that inspire 

A BIGGER ist. I see myself as a visual artist — a label which my work.
suggests a bigger toolbox and wider pale e of ma- In the past, my ideas always outstretched my 
terials. I have never been afraid of testing all kinds budget, resources, skills, and available space. I 
of materials. [Instead] I enjoy discovering their found this hugely frustrating as I knew that if I ever 
potential, this just happens to include variants of did get the chance to realize any or all of my ideas, ES
lighting methods and technologies. Maintaining an they could be overwhelming, sensory, immersive, EN
open mindset is possibly why I have managed to
and emotive encounters, which is what I wanted.

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