Page 84 - enLIGHTenment Magazine - September 2016
P. 84

Go West

MB: Tell me more about your process.

LW: My investigations into the relationship be- 
tween color and light are o en realized through 

the engagement between materiality and a given 
site. I playfully refract light using translucent, 

transparent, or re ective materials, directing 

the  ow of arti cial light. Our understanding of 
color can only be realized through the presence 

of light. By playing and adjusting color, I bring out 
the intensity and composition of these spatial 


I revel in experimentation, and I utilize the 
sites where I exhibit as test beds for this process. 

Colors are ordered and classi ed, and series is 
created and reproduced in di erent “mixes.”

I am constantly on the lookout for new materials 

and discovering new processes. I have a research- 
based practice, where I don’t believe that any idea The Through No. 3 

is ever  nished. Instead I am constantly creating installation is among 
and developing. I love researching. I really enjoy Liz West’s favorites.

 nding out about new techniques, materials, and 

I get lots of product catalogs, browse the 

Internet, and contact suppliers with lots of ques- 
tions about the strengths and weaknesses of their been totally di erent and independently challeng- 

products and how I might be able to adapt them ing. For each, I am working with di erent people, 

to my own use. I am forever curious and inquisi- personalities, budgets, spaces, materials, limita- 
tive — never se ling for a simple answer. I have tions, and advantages. Your Colour Perception, 
very clear ideas and vision about how I want my An Additive Mix, and Through No.3 are amongst 
 nished work to look.
my favorite works. Your Colour Perception [which 
I look beyond the art, lighting, and architecture is being exhibited through November] was ex- 
world for inspiration. I ingrain myself in fashion, tremely challenging, as there was no budget at all 
music, art history, and many other sources of inspi- and installed on my own. This was time-consuming AND I 

ration. Color is all around us — I am like a magpie: I and draining but on the positive side, I was in to- 
borrow ideas and materials from all around me (i.e. tal control of the outcome, which makes it totally UTILIZE

psychical, digital, and imaginary).
worth it due to the e ect it had on the space and THE SITES 

the people experiencing it. 
MB: What are among your favorite and most 
challenging projects?
Mike Brannon is a Texas-based art lighting 
LW: I am very proud of what I have been able to designer and guitarist working on three new 
achieve and make, especially within the past 18 albums with his jazz fusion group, Synergy. 
months. My favorite works are when the project He is also the founder of LightLink Lighting, RAP
is in situ, when it connects and responds to the which produces custom lighting designs for PROCESS.”
architecture, space, and atmosphere of a place.
clients nationwide. For more information, visit H
Each project that I have ever worked on has

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