Page 42 - enLIGHTenment Magazine - September 2017
P. 42
retail spotlight
lEft: Having an ever- Brian, I don’t know where the business would be,” been able to generate just under 10,000 follow-
changing assortment of Ball quips.
ers for the store on social media all on his own.
accessories encourages
Growing up on a tobacco farm, Howard decided Thanks to his e orts, visitors come in feeling
add-on sales.
early on that he didn’t want to make agriculture comfortable and as if they “know” the vibe and
cENtEr: Drums and his career; however, his mother’s work at a lighting people at the store already, further engendering
cage looks are on-trend, center inside a home center had greater appeal. customer loyalty.
and Lights Unlimited By age 15 his mom helped him score a job at a Cementing that relationship is the one-on-one
o ers a wide selection.
lighting showroom close to home, and the rest is a ention that each sales associate gives to their
clients. The company does not charge for a light-
right: Upon entering
the store, visitors “Lighting lets me be creative, plus I get to meet ing plan or for visiting the customers’ homes to
immediately observe
an a ractive vigne e di erent people. I like the service aspect behind assess their lighting needs (i.e. takeo s). “If one
it,” Howard explains. “Most customers have had of our customers can only come in when we’re
featuring a mix of
looks — curated by relationships with us going back 15 years or more. normally closed, one of us will meet them here,”
Brian Howard — that I’ve been here for 20 years and my customers Howard says.
showcase the latest count on me being here. They’re very loyal.”
Finding employees willing to give it their all can
styles on the market.
Howard also takes to heart advice that his be a challenge, but the company tries to make
mother gave early on: “Be yourself, use your man- it worthwhile. “We have pro t sharing for our
ners, and be patient when working with the public. employees and we give back to the community,”
Always provide the best service you can because notes Ball, who also happens to have been the
that is what builds your reputation.”
rst female football commissioner in Garner and
Howard has also taken it upon himself to gen- held that post for 20 years.
erate social media accounts for the business and Con dence and trust in Lights Unlimited’s
maintain them with posts about new products that experts is what has made the multi-showroom
have come in, photos of gorgeous installations in business thrive in the face of unprecedented
new homes featuring lighting and accessories competition. “If any of my current or past custom-
purchased at the store, handy lighting tips, plus ers are having a problem, challenge, or question
photography of well-designed rooms to further in- with lighting, they know, ‘Oh, Brian will help me!’
spire customers. With sheer persistence, a sense — and I do,” he states. “We’re always here for our
of humor, and a good dose of talent, Howard has
40 enLIGHTenment magazine | september 2017