Page 16 - Lighting-Magazine-August-2014
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In The News

First Market Choice Awards

Exceeds Expectations

The summer edition of the International Lighting

Market had what everyone was looking for: Hot

New Products!

istorically, atendance at the June Why not have a competition among exhibi- six key best-selling categories that lighting
market is lower than the winter edi- tors involving brand new product releases? buyers like to refresh year-round. By
Htion in January although there is no “This would prove there are plenty of new March, there were 30+ exhibitors ofcially
consensus among exhibitors and buyers as products releases, gives a reason for retail- signed up to participate and 60+ products
to why. “One of the goals of the marketing ers to be in Dallas, and we can have some slated to debut at the June 2014 market as
commitee of the Lighting Board of Gov- fun along the way by utilizing social media part of the competition.
ernors is to increase buyer trafc during as the platform for voting,” Wiedemer “I thought there was a buzz of excite-
markets — especially in June,” explains Rick states. The commitee was enthusiastically ment for the frst efort,” Wiedemer notes.
Wiedemer, President of Hinkley Lighting, in support of the plan. “There will be some fne-tuning going
which operates a permanent showroom in Since Wiedemer had put forth the idea, forward, and I would guess there will be
the Dallas Market Center (DMC). “During he was given the ball to run with in a fairly even more new products entered and
a brainstorming session, it became obvious short timeframe. He placed a phone call to more buyers in the halls next June.” For the
that some [buyers] believe there is a lack Ace Rosenstein, Publisher of enLIGHTen- inaugural competition, there were more
of new product introductions in June, ment Magazine, who immediately jumped than 700 votes tabulated from retailers
therefore no need to come.” in as a sponsor, as did the DMC. Quickly who were on-site at market.
An idea was suggested for consideration: the program began to take shape, involving Rick Seidman, President of Quoizel, says


• Ceiling Fans • Indoor Lighting

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