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“If you work by yourself, you’re
a rep. If there are more of you,
then you are an ‘agency’ and
that puts you into a diferent
profle for some manufacturers.”
The Brightest Names In Lighting Retail
— Tom Underwood, Saguaro Marketing Group, Phoenix
Underwood mentions another advantage to more sophisticated at every level,” Underwood
bringing others onboard. “If you work by yourself, says. “That’s why this concept of having a multiple Belong. Together. strong.
you’re a rep. If there are more of you, then you person agency makes sense.”
are an ‘agency’ and that puts you into a diferent
profle for some manufacturers,” he explains. “We Cross Those Ts
just took on a major company that only works with Lighting reps who have successfully gone from an
‘rep agencies.’ In addition, if you are a [solo rep] army of one to an agency of several emphasize
and happen to get ill or are away on a business trip, the importance of seting up the business change
everything is at a standstill. If you’re not working properly. “There’s liability involved,” Alan warns, Gregg Garofalo LeAnn Day
[for whatever reason], nothing is happening. When even if the only responsibility of someone you’ve President, Lighting One Senior Member Consultant
you have associates, there is no stoppage in work- hired is to hang fxtures on your behalf. “What if he
fow; you have coverage to help your clients with drops a crystal chandelier on a customer’s dining
any problems that come up.” table and breaks it, or causes a car accident while BELonG to the strongest Lighting Cooperative in the
The changes to the lighting industry as a whole is en route to a job site? That person is representing United States and Canada. ToGETHER, with 180 member locations,
another compelling reason for adding staf. “Light- your name and reputation,” he cautions. we have the sTREnGTH to reduce costs, increase proft, and bolster
ing has been making great strides and becoming Similarly, Underwood advises solo reps who your bottomline while maintaining your independence.
are contemplating adding to their staf to be sure
to incorporate their business or become an LLC.
“There’s liability involved, even if the “There are things that reps must do when they add
only responsibility of someone you’ve personnel that are highly important, but are what For more information, contact LeAnn Day
I call ‘behind the curtain’ things that the customer
hired is to hang fxtures on your behalf. doesn’t need – or want – to see,” Underwood says. 314-493-9633 |
“The customers we call on every day don’t have to
That person is representing your name know how we’ve structured our business.”
What’s important is that lighting reps handle
and reputation.” their responsibilities to their manufacturers and
their retailers in a way that benefts each fairly.
— Richard Alan, Richard Alan & Associates, Houston & Baton Rouge Once a rep has that balance down pat and priori- Our difference is how we see the light.
ties in order, then they are ready to grow.
54 enLIGHTenment Magazine | august 2014