Page 60 - Lighting-Magazine-August-2014
P. 60
Above and below:
The Philips LivingSculpture 3D
module system was developed
by Christopher Bauder of
WHITEVoid, afer he had seen
a demonstration of OLEDs and
wondered how they could best
be employed. Using a series
of tiles and linking rods fxed
into a backplate, Bauder came
up with a system that allows
designers to exercise their
creativity without having to
worry about the technicalities.
They can develop their designs
with the help of an online
Confgurator tool created by
WHITEVoid, which has not only
designed the system but also
the control sofware. “It was our
idea to have a modular system
that would allow people to use
it in the way that they wanted,”
Bauder says.
for cuting-edge technology. There will always be
frst adopters and there will always be people in
the residential and commercial arena who want to
separate themselves and their installations from
everyone else. It will be sources such as OLED
that are going to help support that, which of course
will then help support OLED as an acceptable il-
lumination source in the very near future.
EM: Which technology or product impressed you
most at Lightfair?
DL: What I liked this year is that we are fnally
starting to see innovation in the uses of technology
rather than just seeing new illumination technolo-
gies in a raw or developmental form. As a fxture
designer and manufacturer, I fnd it exciting be-
cause it shows that the marketplace is ready to talk
about – and accept – the way in which we can apply
these new technologies in the real world. Whether
LED or OLED, it’s just great to see companies show-
ing fxture applications and the implementation of
58 enLIGHTenment Magazine | august 2014