Page 71 - enLIGHTenment Magazine - August 2017
P. 71

on the mark

get on tHe b.u.s.s.
merchandise that do not appeal to them and con- 
I see four trends in the way showrooms interface sumes their precious time. Thus, a smaller store 

with clients; as time moves forward, these core provides time-conscious clients with an easy-to- 
functions will be advantages to niche retailers.
navigate  oor plan of speci c selections.

The current trends in retail bow to the lighting With so many legacy businesses in the lighting 
stores’ strengths: Boutique, Unique, Specialized, industry unable to re-create themselves in a smaller 

and Social.
footprint, what is a large format store to do? Divide 

As for the rationale that supports these distinct the space to create mini-stores inside the larger one. 
retail trends, there have been seven solid years in Dedicate an area that is focused on the lifestyle en- 

which customers have been able to  nd detailed hancements that a product or category can provide.
product-speci c information online.
The ability to present items that are peripheral 

For that reason, lighting showrooms must be- to the main categories and can be cross-sold is an 

come a ractive to customers, and the B.U.S.S. additional opportunity. Think of BBQ grills and Ad- 
makes that happen.
irondack chairs accenting the lighting designs in the 

outdoor lifestyle display.
Both small showrooms and sectioned, larger 

There are several di erences between a boutique footprint stores provide a more comfortable and 

and a standard retail store; the  rst is size. Bou- personal environment for the client, making it easier 
tiques take up a smaller physical footprint, and to build a relationship with them, too.

this makes an impact on the items displayed as 
well as the inventory held.

If you own or are in a long-term lease of a large Your space should include categories that you are 

format store, it is important to address the size passionate about. This is the place to show o  the 
issue head on. I’m not suggesting that you close unique product niches of our industry and that 

your large store to open an intimate boutique- complement your store’s personality.
style business; instead, I propose that you make Take a chance on displaying some cu ing-edge 

mini-boutiques within your current location.
technology or fashion-forward designs. Assertively 
The future 
Sometimes we must think small to be big. The promoting the uniqueness you bring to the market 
future trend is for smaller retail footprints with a is a real bene t; it delivers potential customers the 
trend is
curated appearance and are niche-focused on the message that you are di erent than the competition 
market being served. This is a result of the digital around you and online.
for smaller 
age coming into bloom.
Implement a unique way to a ract clients. The 
Theses spaces can be focused on either a methods of the past – print, TV, and billboards – 
vendor or a category, but they must be curated have lost their punch in the digital revolution. Old 
with a boutique feel. I recently visited Nebraska strategies do not work in the ba le for people’s at- 
Furniture Mart in Dallas; it’s a huge showroom, and tention in social news feeds.
with a 
one thing they did well was to create a boutique People will scroll by your sales-y ads as quickly as 

feel when you entered various departments or they drive by the billboard they didn’t see.
vendor-speci c areas.

Business publications buzz that specialty stores specIaLIzed
are be er than the big box stores because of their Industry expertise is an area that lighting retailers 
and are 
agility; they have a concentrated niche that they can stand out. Whether it’s control systems or the 

are expert in and they can be on trend with their latest advancements in SSL, as an industry, we stay niche- 
o erings quickly. This will give lighting stores the on the cusp of specialized lighting knowledge.

advantage as we continue into the second decade Clients know li le about the details, regardless of focused on 
of digital changes.
the number of Web sites they visit. This is an op- 

Online shopping (a.k.a. hours of digital discov- portunity to stake your claim as the local expert. the market 

ery) has provided the client with the ability to pare Specialized knowledge extends into the way we 
down in-store shopping time. Narrowing down communicate. It is said, “You can’t see the forest for being 

their selection digitally has reduced the amount the trees,” and this applies to the everyday lighting served.
of people aimlessly walking through displays of
“emergencies” we face.

august 2017 | enLIGHTenment Magazine 69

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