Page 72 - enLIGHTenment Magazine - August 2017
P. 72

on the mark

Family conversations can be directed to discov- 

er who the family members in the home are and 
how the home is used. If the client hosts parties or 

holidays at home, talk about the memories being 
made there under a new chandelier or the bene t 
Digital media has crept into every 
of good task lighting.
part of our lives, making the ability 
Occupational questions give insight into the 
person you’re speaking with. The simple act of be- 
to interact face to face with clients a 
ing interested in the other person’s life will build 
rapport with them, which is a goal for every client 
required skill set.

As an example, if the customer responds “I am 
a chef” when you ask “What do you do?” some of 

the insights available to continue to build a con- For example, customers would return to our 
versation are:
store because they thought a 3-way lamp was “de- 

❍ The restaurant
fective,” however, they did not realize the 3-way 

❍ The type of food served
was energized based on a mechanical toggle — one 
❍ The training they had (either school or
 rm twist to the right and presto, the “defective” 

on-the-job training)
lamp was working. Similarly, when LED tape was 
Any questions that focus on their experi-
installed with reverse polarity, the resultant house 
ence or career will tell you how lighting
call to the DIY’er was a  ip of the wires. Each time, 

impacts their professional life
the client was embarrassed for not knowing what 
Recreation and leisure activities are close to
seemed so obvious. This is the time to be empa- 

every customer’s heart. Find out what they enjoy thetic. When you deliver this type of lesson to a 
doing and if you have similar interests, it is another customer with the correct level of compassion, 

rapport builder.
they look to you as an expert resource.

Like “occupation,” this side conversation has 
li le to do with selling and everything to do with tHe Last “s” Is For socIaL

discovery and demonstrating to the client you are The “social” referred to here is not of the digital 
a human being just like them.
variety, but the human to human type: an interac- 

A personal bonus for you is when you build a tion between people.

conversation around activities that you and the Digital media has crept into every part of our 
client enjoy.
lives, making the ability to interact face to face 

Dreams of my customer or, more aptly stated, with clients a required skill set.
“What is their vision?” The easiest way to  nd out Mark Okun is a Having industry and product knowledge is good, 

is to ask. When you know their view, you can pres- Business Contributor but not good enough to compete and win against 

ent all the details of your products, services, and a to enLIGHTenment the ease of one-bu on buying. It takes training 
company that ful lls the client’s dreams.
Magazine and and coaching in the art of the sales conversation 

President of Mark and social skills. These tips are a jumping o  point 
tHe cHoIce Is yours
Okun Consulting & to help the “quietest” of salespeople build rapport 

To follow or not to follow trends is a choice. The Performance Group. through conversation.

ba le for the retail dollar is being spread across He has more than Holding a conversation may sound simple, but 
multiple lines of distribution — and those lines are 30 years of hands- what do you talk about that will help build rapport 

on retail experience and give you the information to make a sale? Start 
To survive, showrooms must stand out and the training and coaching with the acronym F.O.R.D. Family – Occupation – 

only way to do that is incorporate new actionable sales associates in the Recreation – Dreams. Developing some advanced 

strategies. Every trend may not resonate with you, lighting and furniture core questions focused on these four topics will 
but one or two just may. Put your unique spin on industries. give you some conversation starters. With good 

these modern trends and make them yours to help Mark@bravo listening skills you can obtain information from 
you di erentiate your business from the crowd.
customers that indicates their hot bu ons.

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