Page 26 - Enlightenment Magazine - July 2013
P. 26

The FuTure Is (Almost) Now access_enlight_713.pdf 6/18/13 7:52:10 PM


The benefts of LED are proven, so now the trofers and the growth of indirect lighting systems. EFFICIENCY
LED provides an opportunity to create entirely
discussion has to move to the proper appli- new lighting systems that can deploy illumination to

cation of LED as a light source and designing meet IES seeing requirements, with reduced glare,
higher comfort levels, and architectural designs
lighting systems that incorporate proper that are unique and far more appealing than a 2x4
trofer dropped into a ceiling.
lighting into an overall efcient design. The design community needs to take over the
discussion of LED from this point forward. The cur-
rent efciency and brightness of LED is sufcient
gaining SPace for meeting lighting needs in most applications now.
Since low-voltage SSL systems can be installed Future efciencies will contribute additional cost
without conduits and boxes, there are a lot of excit- reductions and system modifcations, but bright-
ing opportunities. Plenum space is expensive real ness needs to disappear from our vernacular. The
estate to an architect, but with LED, it is feasible day of a 300 lumen/wat emiter is within feasibil-
to design and install a lighting system that doesn t ity, but that doesn t mean that we will require that
need to pierce the ceiling. Construction practices level of power for all applications. Technological
typically dedicate several inches of space to the improvements in efciency should be encouraged,
lighting system; LED has the ability to dramatically but we have the lumen packages to create amaz-
reduce or eliminate that dedicated space. ing lighting designs today. Lets get back to being a
In addition, LEDs energy efciency multiplies lighting industry again.
the design improvements by changing panel sizes, The need for technical associations to change is
transformer sizes, refrigerant loads, number of also imminent. A merger or alliance between the
circuits, and wire sizes since all of those drop pro- Custom Electronic Design and Installation Associa-
portionate to the reduced power load and smaller tion (CEDIA) and Illuminating Engineering Society
space demands of SSL. The key is Design. (IES) would make sense as CEDIA members are
trained to install sound, data, and communication
LighTing WiLL Look & FeeL DiFFerenT systems. As lighting becomes electronic and inte-
To move the industry forward, its imperative to grated into electronic building systems, the need
have a robust exchange of ideas between fxture for more cross-industry communication will be
designers and lighting designers. Given that lighting critical.
will interface within the overall electronic control
systems of buildings, the migration of lighting and TaLenT neeDS To change
all things information-based will be crucial. The There are a limited number of professionals within
benefts of LED are proven, so now the discussion our industry who grasp the nuances of SSL integra-
has to move to the proper application of LED as tion into building designwe need more. How can
a light source and designing lighting systems that we get there? It takes an enormous investment in
incorporate proper lighting into an overall efcient emotional, cultural, and fnancial resources to ad-
design. LED has created so much discussion that mit changes need to be made and this is both
we have largely lost the emphasis on lighting. within legacy lighting companies and start-up LED
Ted Konnerth is the Proper lighting involves so much more than companies. A careful blend of old and new ideas is
founder, president and brightness. Glare, comfort, uniformity, color needed to accelerate the lighting renaissance.
CEO of Egret Consult- rendering, accent, layering, and feel are the fun- There is no doubt SSL will change the future of
ing Group a retained damentals of quality lighting. Approximately 20 the lighting world and, in turn, how our entire world
search frm special- years ago, the IES created the term ESI footcandles is lit. Unfortunately, many individuals and compa-
izing exclusively in the (equivalent spherical illumination). ESI was a mea- nies within the lighting industry will not survive the
electrical industry. sure of quality of lighting in an atempt to create change. They will be too slow to adapt and will sim-
Ted was the global a format for designing quality lighting environments ply lose their relevance and/or market share. But
V.P., Sales for Cooper (largely for ofces). ESI could predict the impact of those who do survive the change and especially to see more advanced LED technology, visit our website:
Lighting prior to start- glare and eye fatigue due to poor lighting design. In those who move it forward on the design side will
ing Egret and holds a many ways, ESI terminology created the reduced reap the rewards. It is truly an exciting time to be Toll Free: 800-828-5483
Ph.D in psychology. glare designs of parabolic louvered fuorescent alive and active in the lighting industry. E-mail:

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