Page 30 - Enlightenment Magazine - July 2013
P. 30
Lights On!
thomaS reSearch BuLBrite daSaL architecturaL
ProductS The LED G5 Dimmable Omni- Lighting
The new LED-40W-TL family of Directional series now includes GU24 The new DLR-R round and DLR-Q
dimmable constant-current drivers base options. Available in both Warm square LED remodel housings are
is designed for simple dimming control White (2700K) and Sof White suitable for residential, hospitality,
of LEDs. Each unit includes both (3000K), this series of lamps includes retail, and light commercial retroft ap-
leading edge (incandescent) and trail- A19, chandelier, and globe types. plications. These new 4-inch (nominal)
ing edge (ELV) dimming to provide The 60-wat A19 replacements housings ofer designers, contractors,
line-voltage dimming control fexibility. are available in a medium (E26) and and other remodeling professionals
These drivers feature a <10% to 100% Twist & Lock (GU24) base and have the option to upgrade existing small-
dimming range, and are compatible a lifespan of up to 50,000 hours. The aperture halogen installations to
with industry-standard controls. GU24 options are Title 20- & Title energy-efcient LED. The companys
The fve LED-40W-TL models ofer 24-compliant. compatible LED trims, featuring
diferent output currents. The input The 5-wat LED chandelier is avail- high-quality LED lighting modules by
voltage is 120Vac, however 230Vac able in a candelabra (E12) base with Xicato, can reduce power consump-
versions are available, applicable to a super-high power chip that ofers tion by 60 to 70 percent compared to
markets outside North America. The bright LED light and 270° degrees halogen MR16s.
Black Magic Thermal Advantage of illumination. Upon completion of
plastic enclosures are IP66-rated, ENERGY STAR testing, it will be rated
suitable for outdoor wet location at 30,000 hours. The 8-wat G25 is
applications. The drivers are UL-listed available in a medium (E26) base,
for both U.S. and Canada, plus are has a lifespan of 25,000 hours, plus a
CE-certifed. high-performance driver that ofers smooth dimming and is compatible
with a variety of dimmers.
28 enLIGHTenment Magazine | July 2013