Page 56 - Enlightenment Magazine - July 2013
P. 56
Specification SaleS
Special Opportunity
Hiring a specifcation salesperson can boost a
retailers botom line if its done right. Heres what
you need to know. BY SUSAN GRISHAM
or lighting showrooms looking to lighting designer at Metro Lightings Brentwood,
expand or diversify their business, Mo. store. Specifcation sales are the toughest
specifcation sales may be the answer. and easiest sales that showrooms can make.
Handling this segment requires a com- When you have a great reputation, word of mouth
Fmitment of manpower and resources, but can be your best marketing alliance. Those trusted
the positives outweigh the negatives. In addition, relationships with the design community establish
becoming an authority in the building community the showroom as a leader and the place to send
enhances the overall reputation of the showroom friends and clients. It is a sales win-win because it
as a leader. gives credibility and thats a priceless asset.
Showrooms that have this capability will cer- Al Thomas, CLC, director of lighting design
tainly fnd it to be one of the most encouraging services for North Coast Lighting/North Coast
opportunities, says Mike Craf, senior custom Electric in Seatle points to another beneft: the
54 enLIGHTenment Magazine | July 2013