Page 57 - Enlightenment Magazine - July 2013
P. 57

Specification SaleS

lower risk of price comparisons on products. Your Start small and build. Dedicate an
project is much more resistant to the sell-down tac-
tics prevalent in the industry because the products individual to head the team and build
you have specifed have a perceived value, result-
ing in larger margin dollars, he advises. as needed. Mike Craf, Metro Lighting
Entering the specifcation market may seem
daunting and growth takes time, but the experts
say it is worth the investment. Start small and light-sensing shade control. It also helps the client
build, Craf recommends. Dedicate an individual feel more comfortable with your suggestions, he
to head the team and build as needed. states. We use the counter salespeople as inside
Commit to a full-time outside salesperson who support for the spec team. Rarely do we ask the
can visit architects and interior designers plus at- outside salesperson to enter and expedite the ac-
tend decorator functions and trade shows, advises tual orders. Their job is more before and afer the
David Bellwoar, vp/showroom division at Bright project.
Light Design Center and sister companies Annapo- At Metro Lighting, management sees to it that
lis Lighting and Colonial Electric in Pennsylvania, everyone has the necessary tools for the job such
New Jersey, Delaware, and Virgina. Building rela- as computer sofware and the proper samples.
tionships and rapport takes time and labor costs Many times the showroom can also be a place
upfront, but the payback is well worth it. to demonstrate, Craf notes. Keep in mind that
Metro Lighting/Metro Electric entered the spec- design professionals want the samples and the
ifcation arena in 2006 afer recognizing the efects mock-ups brought to them, so be prepared for a f-
of the building recession and subsequent down- nancial investment. I suggest using a loaner library
turn. We saw this as an opportunity to capitalize for specifc samples and materials, he advises.
on existing relationships and strengthen our market Craf places a lot of importance on experience.
position in the region, Craf explains. In todays Whoever heads the team needs to have played in
design environment, our audience is architects, the game and know what to expect and have an
lighting specifers, engineers, plan developers, proj- understanding of the process, he says. Having
ect managers, contractors, and in some cases, end
users. This multi-dimensional sales relationship is
unlike traditional showroom sales, which are more
job-specifc. Specifcation sales require a long-term DAVID BELLWOAR, BRIGHT LIGHT DESIGN
rapport to provide on-going customer service. It TIP
truly takes a commitment by the showrooms team CENTER/COLONIAL ELECTRIC
to develop relationships and have the credibility to
deliver and maintain design excellence. Fit the right personality to the job specifcation
Because the category is complex, it also de- and client type, build relationships, and have a
mands more training. Typically, specifcation litle fun every day.
sales are pre-construction, which requires full
integration with the architect prior to the fnished
drawings. Our salespeople spend a lot of time in ar-
chitects ofces, Bellwoar explains. On the other
hand, when I think of typical showroom sales, I see
customers in a rush because their electrician told
them they have two days to select the dining room
chandelier or bath sconces. At this point, I know
that the recessed fxtures and lighting controls are
done, and the mounting boxes are installed, leaving
litle room for creative design.
Bellwoar adds that education is essential. Cre-
dentials are vital. A good outside salesperson
should have knowledge of total lighting design such
as lighting with layers of light, adding controls, and

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