Page 68 - Enlightenment Magazine - July 2013
P. 68



Atlantic Electrical

Supply in Virginia is a

successful blend of two

families spanning



n the 1920s, Atlantic Electrical Supply was enjoy-
ing such solid business in Baltimore that Isador
IRichard (I.R.) Levet grandfather to cousins
Stephen and David Levet who are at the helm to-
day started up a branch in Richmond, Va., in 1929.
As kids, the cousins worked at the store doing a
variety of chores from warehouse duties to work-
ing behind the supply counter and everything in
between not that they experienced any pref-
erential treatment due to their bloodlines. Our
top: The series of granddad was as hard on us as he was with every-
small rooms devoted to one else, David recounts.
specifc categories helps David and Steves fathers (I.R.s sons) were part-
customers focus and
the salespeople to build ners (and stockholders) in the business. The young
rapport. cousins worked at the store while they were in high
school and graduated from college, concentrating
middle: in diferent areas. Davids degree was in human
From lef to right:
Alfred Lehman, David resource management; Steves was in mass com-
Levet, Stephen Levet, munication, later landing a job as a Congressional
and Alvin Lehman. press secretary and working on a gubernatorial
candidates campaign. With experience at the giant
bottom: Each room is public relations company Hill & Knowlton under his
equipped with a table
and chairs, making it belt, Steve was not wanting or expecting lighting
easy for the sales- to be in his future. I worked here in high school and
person and customer grew up with it around the kitchen table, he says.
to sit down and go over I never imagined going into the family business.
renovation or building
plans without a lot of We had the great opportunity of working with
distractions. our fathers and our grandfather, David notes.

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