Page 72 - Enlightenment Magazine - July 2013
P. 72

Special SeSSion

A Special


Virginia rep Alan Colker

hosts his 33 seminar
with architect/

lighting designer Joe Rey-Barreau holds the specially commissioned colorful blown glass Edison light

Joe Rey-Barreau. bulb sculpture presented to him by Alan (center) and Mitch Colker for his unfagging
commitment to the educational program.

or the past 17 years, lighting rep Alan Colker Colker and Rey-Barreau
of Alco Lighting Sales, Inc. has hired Joe Rey-
FBarreau, AIA, IES, associate professor of the brainstorm several
College of Design at University of Kentucky and
consulting director of education for the American months in advance of
Lighting Association (ALA), to conduct a variety of each session.
CEU-accredited educational sessions for his dis-
tributor customers in the Virginia area.
Colker and Rey-Barreau brainstormed several
months in advance, evaluating the subject to be commercial and residential lighting, plus guidelines
covered at the May session. Critical Lighting Facts on how to do lighting calculations for a hotel lobby,
Every Lighting Associate Should Know to Succeed hotel guest room, and corridor. Additional tips for
in a Complex Lighting Market: How to Design a calculating outdoor lighting layouts using solid-
Lighting Plan for a Hotel and a Custom Home With state light sources and analysis and discussion of
High Efcacy Lighting encompassed a review of a lighting plan using highefcacy lighting for a cus-
commercial and residential lighting design funda- tom home were also provided.
mentals, details of the overlapping trends between Approximately 30 lighting professionals from the
surrounding area atended the all-day seminar pre-
sented by Rey-Barreau and hosted by Alan Colker
and his son, Mitch, at Comfort Suites Innsbrook
in Glen Allen, Virginia. Atendees were treated to
breakfast and a lavish lunch plus were guests at an
elegant dinner sponsored by Crafmade and Jer-
emiah Company.
To commemorate this special anniversary, Colker
commissioned a special memento a colorful blown
glass Edison bulb award that was hand-crafed by
his glassblower friend Neil Duman and presented
it to Rey-Barreau in appreciation for his commit-
ment to the rep frms educational program, which
has been held twice a year since 1996.

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