Page 76 - Enlightenment Magazine - July 2013
P. 76
In the Spotlight
CAPITOL LIGHTINGS HY GOLDMAN TO Selecting lamps and lighting
CELEBRATE 100 BIRTHDAY fxtures is a mater of
personal taste. There is no
Caroline Saggiomo isn t the only long-term employee at Capitol Lighting,
which has showrooms throughout New Jersey and Florida. Hy Goldman has
worked for 72 years at the lighting retailer, coming in four times a week at the right or wrong.
East Hanover, N.J. store. Like Saggiomo, Goldman drives himself to work.
Next month, Goldman will reach the century mark and he has no plans
to retire. These days Goldman enjoys creating lighting fxtures and lamps out turned 80 years old, they had such a big party for
me. I was very touched, she recalls. Now that she
of salvaged parts.
The Hufngton Post recently did an interview with Goldman and with the is computer-savvy, her children bought her an iPad.
chains co-chairman Herman Lebersfeld, who was quoted as saying he consid- They wanted me to be able to email with their
ers Goldman to be his mentor in the business. He has done every position kids, she quips. Saggiomo says she makes it a point
to stay on top of global and local news so she has
he could do, Lebersfeld told The Hufngton Post. He taught me everything I
know about warehousing. plenty to talk about with customers as they shop.
Saggiomo also considers her repeat clients to
be like close friends. One of her loyal customers
moved to North Carolina, but came in to order fx-
tures while she was in New Jersey visiting relatives.
Having trusted Saggiomos expertise for years, the
customer consulted with her to fnd the perfect
kitchen dining fxture to ship to her home.
Selecting lamps and lighting fxtures is a mater
of personal taste. There is no right or wrong. I tell
customers that they have to feel something when
they see it. If there is something about it they don t
like, theyll never be happy with it. Sometimes that
means they might have to spend a litle more [than
they had planned], but in the end, they will have
something that they love, she says. Sure enough,
Saggiomo has had customers come back and show
her photos of their homes with the fxtures they
purchased at her suggestion and talk about how
happy they are about the decision.
Saggiomo prides herself on being honest with
with people is a key ingredient. To be in this busi- her customers. I once had a manager tell me that I
ness, you need patience. When people come in, was too honest, she chuckles. I will say something
they ofen don t know what they want and you can t if the item is not right for the customer. Clearly
rush them. [Making a sale] takes time, she says. her clients value her opinion. Its also the way you
That process might mean customers come in many treat customers that maters, she comments.
times to browse before making a decision. People The botom line about succeeding in this busi-
get to know you, and trust you. Then they start ask- ness is that you have to like people because
ing for you, she states. youre going to meet all kinds! I look for the good
When retail became more computerized, Sag- in everyone. You have to listen and pay atention,
giomo rose to the challenge. It was hard to learn she afrms.
how to work the computer, but I didn t give up. I Saggiomo makes an efort to stay current on
did the best I could until I could really swing into trends. I take a look at TV [home] shows and fip
it. Today she handles the computer as well as any through design magazines. I also like to shop and
of the younger stafers. observe whats going on at retail; thats what fulflls
Everyone at work is like family to me. When I me. Im a very enthusiastic person, she says.
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