Page 8 - Enlightenment Magazine - July 2013
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Editor s Note enLIGHTenment

Always Up-To-Date & Online

Group Publisher
To June or Not To June
800.774.9861 ext. 601

y apologies to Shakespeare for al- in Arizona, Florida, and Southern Califor- Editorial Director
tering Hamlets famous soliloquy, nia areas that were hit hard when the
Mhowever, that really was the ques- infamous housing bubble burst. Even more 800.774.9861 ext. 616
tion whispered in many lighting showrooms surprising is the revelation that retailers in Contributing Editors
at market. That same question has also each of those states are seeing new con- Patricia Hart McMillan, Denis Caldora,
been hotly debated in countless industry struction resuming (granted, at a slower Marty Glantz
meetings for at least a dozen years that I pace). If there were any doubt that manu-
can remember. facturers are hearing the same reports SIMONE TIEBER
Creative Director
Whats interesting about the discussion from their reps, witness the amount of
is that there isn t just one faction that is atention vendors paid to beefng up their
pushing for holding one market a year builder lines at market. Furthermore, there JASON LOWSY
(i.e. January) instead of two. Ive heard was a noticeable trend toward upgrading Production Manager
the argument for one market a year from that category not to mention that ELK
manufacturers, retailers, and reps and underscored the importance by introduc- LILLIAN ANDERSON
yet, Ive talked with plenty of industry ing Cornerstone, a brand new line created Publication Coordinator
members in all three categories who make to present builders with more decorative
their case for continuing to hold the June designs. 800.774.9861 ext 608
market. There was also a lot of relief expressed
The problem is, everyone has a valid in the halls of the Dallas Market Center. JEFF DOCTOROW
Business Development
pointbut until we reach a consensus, that As a whole, lighting retailers feel that their
question is going to be asked over and over businesses had fnally turned the corner 800-774-9861 ext. 618
again. As of press time, there weren t any and weathered the storm intact. Oh they
ofcial stats released regarding the aten- took some hard punches, but they re still National Sales Manager
dance numbers and everyones guesses standing and ready to forge ahead.yes,
ranged from same as last June to less even if that meant gathering up the where- 800-774-9861 ext. 626
people than last June and, said less ofen, withal to come to another June market.
more buyers than last June. I truly heard Whats your opinion on either the Regional Sales Manager
each statement utered every single day of June market or how business has slowly
the show. inched upward (or not). Tell me at linda@ 800-774-9861 ext. 627
I am happy to report that there does
seem to be agreement in one area: every EDWARD FREBOWITZ
lighting retailer I talked to, regardless of Social Media Director
their region, said they were experienc-
ing an uptick in sales over the past two
months. I even heard this from distributors BRIAN MICHALOVIC
Technical Development
800.774.9861 ext 605

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via your laptop, smart phone, or tablet. is a publication of Bravo Integrated Media
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