Page 12 - Enlightenment Magazine - July 2013
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The Vintry Fine
Wines boutique
in New York City.

Cathode Lighting Systems Project

Receives GE Edison Award

ighting designers Hervé Descotes, for the installation, which was a collabora- the curvilinear ceiling coves above the
Jef Taylor, and Jessica Tchah tive efort with Rogers Marvel Architects. uppermost wine racks. Selected for its
Lof LObservatoire International, The Vintry Fine Wines storefront draws in longevity, low maintenance, color render-
headquartered in Manhatan, were New York Citys Batery Park residents and ing, color stability, and high lumen output,
recently awarded the GE Edison Award visitors with its non-externally illuminated the FCLS delivers an energy-efcient cove
for lighting Vintry Fine Wines in New York. lighting concept that achieved prominence lighting solution with a lamp life of up to
This annual awards program recognizes among neighboring establishments. 100,000 feld-proven hours.
outstanding projects in the feld of archi- The graceful curves of the architectural The same FCLS luminaire was awarded
tectural lighting design. coves in the ceiling evoke the geography a 2011 Progress Report by the Illuminating
The Vintry Fine Wines project was of a vineyard, illuminated with Cathode Engineering Society of North America
awarded this honor for the following Lighting Systems FCLS (Flexible Cathode (IES) for its minimal electrical consumption
categories: functional excellence, Light Strip) luminaires. The FCLS luminaire and watages as low as 5.5 wats per linear
architectural compatibility, efective can conform to almost any curvature, foot. The T6 cold cathode luminaires
use of state-of-the-art lighting products shape, or length that the factory can provide seamless illumination from end to
and techniques, appropriate color, form manufacture. The designers selected the end with no dark spots or socket shadows
and texture revelation, plus energy- and FCLS cold cathode fuorescent luminaire and are available in a wide color selection,
cost-efectiveness. The designers utilized to illuminate both the key focal point of a including 11 white hues as well as neon and
products from Cathode Lighting Systems large organically curved faux skylight and pastel colors.

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