Page 38 - Lighting Magazine September 2018
P. 38

It turns out great minds do think alike, as evidenced by the new ANSI, IES, and ALA jointly produced RP-11 publication for designing and teaching light- ing. By joining forces and sharing expertise, these
specialized groups have been able to assemble a comprehensive guide that covers design objectives, examines the criteria for the quantity and quality of illuminance, details lighting methods, and explores various types and uses of equipment, energy use, and electrical code considerations.
This is the  rst version of RP-11 to be American Na- tional Standards Institute (ANSI)-approved, as well as having collaboration with the American Lighting Association (ALA). Within its pages, a compilation of visual tasks undertaken by various lifestyles and age groups is presented — along with potential solutions to common residential lighting problems.
“This new recommended practice provides design criteria for the many di erent types of interior and exterior spaces associated with residences and resi- dential environments,” says Illuminating Engineering Society (IES) Residential Lighting Commi ee Co- chair Doreen Le May Madden.
“Lighting design for residences requires an added expertise of understanding the psychological and physiological aspects of lighting, and how it pertains to personal preferences,” she adds. “Lighting qual- ity is immeasurable in the sense of one’s feeling of well-being in a space. The relationship and balance between technical knowledge and the skill to create pleasant, functional lighting environments is evident within this document.”
To help members of the residential lighting com- munity be er understand the complex material, Terry McGowan, FIES, LC, and ALA’s Director of Engineering and Eric Borden, LS, CPC, founder
The brand new Lighting for Interior and Exterior Residential Environments guide (RP-11) can be pur- chased on the ALA website.
The ALA has unveiled brand new tools — the highly anticipated update of the Residential Training Manual plus the Lighting for Interior and Exterior Residential Environments guide in collaboration with the IES and ANSI.
36 enLIGHTenment Magazine | SepteMber 2018

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