Page 40 - Lighting Magazine September 2018
P. 40
Through a collaborative e ort between industry experts and ALA member volunteers, the comprehensive Resi- dential Lighting Training Manual (RLTM)
has been completely revised to re ect industry changes a ecting lamps/bulbs, lighting xtures, ceiling fans and control technology, along with providing updates on the sales knowledge nec- essary for a successful lighting career.
For decades, lighting professionals have relied on the all-in-one manual to learn about topics as complicated as the physics of light and color to the basic technology of LEDs and dimming. Every chapter of the manual has been closely reviewed and updated.
“The RLTM was last updated more than six years ago, spanning a timeframe when dramatic changes have occurred in the residential light- ing industry,” says Joe Rey-Barreau, who led the volunteer commi ee in the re-write of the manual. “A primary objective of the commi ee involved was to update and integrate changes in light sources — with particular emphasis on the impact of LEDs. This impact has a ected all aspects of the industry and these changes are now re ected in all modules and units within the manual.”
To ensure each section was complete and comprehensive, the commi ee consisted of a cross-section of ALA membership, and each person contributed to the process of editing and re-writing. The commi ee also received input from additional ALA members for special- ized areas such as dimming, lighting controls, landscape lighting, regulatory ma ers, and other categories.
“ALA members will nd the updated manual to be more condensed, and the narrative to be uid and easy to read,” Rey-Barreau adds. “The content re ects the dramatic changes in tech- nologies that have recently occurred and that continue to create exciting new opportunities in the residential lighting industry.”
In addition to serving as a helpful guide to all industry members, the RLTM serves as the basis and main reference manual for earning the ALA’s Lighting Specialist (LS) designation. ALA members can purchase the new RLTM and LS exam online by creating an account at
New Residential Lighting Training Manual
The ALA’s fully updated Residential Lighting Training Manual (RLTM) places special emphasis on the latest technologies.
38 enLIGHTenment Magazine | SepteMber 2018