Page 39 - Lighting Magazine September 2018
P. 39

of Path nder Consultants, Inc., co-presented an educational overview during the summer edition of Lightovation in Dallas.
“This is wri en from the designer standpoint,” McGowan notes. “It also covers residential-like environments such as senior living and hospitality applications.” What is particularly useful for design- ers is information on LED technology that they can relay to their clients; for instance, that LED illumina- tion won’t fade artwork or paint colors like halogen/ incandescent light sources can. There is also docu- mentation/speci cation information on what can and can’t be done with LED lighting that designers can package and leave with their clients.
“Not all subjects in RP-11 are covered because there are other IES supplements that cover those areas,” McGowan explains. “The goal is de ning quality lighting, assessing human needs, addressing architecture and building-related issues, plus eco- nomics and energy e ciency.”
The new RP-11 can also be used as a resource for hard-to- nd residential lighting information and serves as the authoritative standard for technical and design data that can be relayed to other building professionals such as contractors, electricians, and builders.
“There is also a section on re ectance, which is so important in design,” Borden comments. “You’ll  nd a lot of information not only in the verbiage, but with illustrations and photography of various applications and lighting techniques.” (ALA member Susan Irie, owner of Kilohana Lighting in Hawaii, was instrumen- tal in supplying relevant installation photography for the guide.)
Some of the completely new topics for lighting professionals – compared to past publications – is the inclusion of emerging categories including: Resilient Lighting (i.e. long-term lighting solutions for areas hit by disaster where the electrical grid may have been damaged); Daylighting and daylight integration into residential design plans; Zero Net Energy homes (i.e. the California Energy E ciency Strategic Plan for all new residential construction to be zero net energy by 2020); Smart Lighting & Smart Homes; Tunable White Lighting; Warm Dimming; Lighting and Seeing for the Aging Eye, among others.
“These topics – particularly Resilient Lighting –  t in with what builders and developers are thinking about as we face more storms and rising sea levels,” McGowan notes. A ention is given to factors that a ect interior designers’ lay-outs, such as avoiding
glare and selecting portable lamps that provide the best light for the designated visual task.
Borden adds, “Good lighting practice has been around forever, so why not include what works from a legacy standpoint?” There are photographic ex- amples of properly integrated lighting, ideal kitchen and bath lighting, electric lighting combined with daylighting, and specialty applications such as art and accent lighting.
With the IES’ involvement, RP-11 is not short on numeric calculations such as determining illumi- nance, converting footcandles into lux, and breaking down recommendations based on the visual age of the users (under 25, 25 to 65, and over 65) and the application.
“What I  nd important is the Illuminance Ratios, which details the illuminance of the brightest surface and the darkest surface,” McGowan states. “A er all, one person’s gli er is another person’s glare.”
RP-11 can be purchased online for $63 in ALA’s member store at /More-Resources/Member-Store ($90 for non-mem- bers) and is ideal for architects, lighting designers, interior designers, lighting retailers, contractors, and those involved in lighting equipment. 
Eric Borden (le ) and Terry McGowan held an educational session at Lightovation detail- ing the key points of RP-11.
The new RP-11 can also be used as a resource for hard-to- nd residential lighting information and serves as the authoritative standard for technical and design data that can be relayed to other building professionals such as contractors, electricians, and builders.
SepteMber 2018 | enLIGHTenment Magazine 37

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