Page 39 - Enlightenment Magazine - July 2013
P. 39
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the lamp life in most cases is reduced to a range clearly identify these charateristics. Advancments
from 1,000-2,000 hours. The new halogen/xenon in design have also brought the Omni A lamps back
mix is now what is used in most PAR, R, and A types to a more familiar size and shape.
that have been impacted by legislation and soon
many decorative lamps that are to be delisted. As On the Horizon
Federal lamp legislation continues to become ef- In order to exceed beyond the average LED lamps In order to
fective throughout the next six years, these lamp of today, it will take new abilities and innovations.
types will again face new challenges. It is obvious Some of these innovations are beginning to fnd exceed
that all of the new lamp legislation writen and en- their way into the market, although few in num-
acted over the past several years is a roadmap to ber. In the near future, LED light bulbs will morph beyond the
LED, or to a worthy newcomer. into sleeker, lightweight smart devices that can
Afer the exercise of developing new lamps to integrate into home automation systems or be average LED
meet the Federal requirements, the elimination controlled by mobile phones, tablets, etc., all by
of many lamp types, and knowing that most other wireless confgurations. lamps of
lamp technologies have matured to the point of All roads seem to point us in the direction of today, it will
their highest level of efciency and performance, it LED. Throughout all aspects of the lighting and
brings us back to LED. electrical industry, each player whether they are take new
a ballast, control, luminaire, component, or lamp
Notes From Lightfair manufacturer is keenly focused on moving their abilities and
Today, the choice of LED replacement lamps is business forward, to be a part of the LED transfor-
wide and varied. Each design approach, from every mation, and not be lef behind. innovations.
corner of the LED technology toolbox, is out there With all of the atention LED is garnering, this
vying for a place in the market; each one professing question needs to be asked: Is there a challenger?
that their concept is the ONE. Afer participating Is there an alternative upstart technology to rival
in and observing this years Lightfair in Philadel- LED? Ive asked this question to many and the re-
phia, I do believe the industry is geting closer to sponse is usually the same: None that I know of.
some form of standardization. The radical shapes Don t get me wrong, there are other technological
and remote phosphor (yellow) lenses have toned alternatives to LED that have merit and will con-
down a bit, and more familiar lamp shapes and tinue to develop and possibly get our atention. For
sizes are now the norm. Performance parameters now, however, LED seems to own the stage.
are beginning to equalize and the opportunistic
start-up companies are fewer in number. Brian Brandes is vp/Product Development for
Advancements in COB (chip on board); higher SATCO Products, Nuvo Lighting, and KolourOne.
LPW (Lumen per wat) LED packages, and IC (inte- He has 25+ years in the lighting industry.
grated circuit) drivers have made LED replacement
lamps more reliable and afordable. The wider
use of medium-power LED solutions has spawned The Satco Halogen
Excel A19 meets all
the use of new heat-sinking methods, which have EISA requirements.
eliminated the former heavy, fnned aluminum heat
sinks that are now replaced with smooth aluminum
bodies that perform the task and retain the tradi-
tional appearance of its incandescent counterpart.
Recently a new generation of general service
A-type omni- and multi-directional lamps has been
introduced. The majority of general service-type
lamps have been directional in their light distribu-
tion paterns, typically providing an 180 beam
patern. The omni versions will create a 360 angle,
truly mimicing the light pattern of the incandes-
cent A lamp. The multi-direction versions create
beam angles between the previous two referenced.
ENERGY STAR-qualifed lamps are required to
July 2013 | enLIGHTenment Magazine 37