Lights on the Spectrum Auction to Benefit Autism Groups

Lighting industry veteran Larry Berman poses the question, “What do the world’s most beautiful and innovative decorative lighting fixtures have to do with people on the Autism spectrum?” The answer involves a new initiative Berman has launched called Lights on the Spectrum.

Berman announced his global fundraising project on Autism Awareness Day (April 2), which kicks off Autism Awareness Month.

Lights on the Spectrum is making a brighter future for people on the Autism spectrum,” Berman states. “Some of the most beautiful and innovative lighting fixtures in the world will be auctioned online, and the proceeds given to organizations that empower people on the Autism spectrum. The auction will begin on June 20 to coincide with the Summer Solstice in the Northern hemisphere. (More details to be announced).

“I invite lighting fixture manufacturers, designers, industry professionals, autism organizations, advocates, and those interested from all over the world to contact us to get involved with this global initiative,” Berman says. Inquiries can be emailed to

Companies and individuals are welcome to donate lighting fixtures and lighting services for the auction. All donors/donating organizations will have their names posted on the auction site.

Noting that unemployment numbers are at a high rate for people on the Autism spectrum, Berman explains that Lights on the Spectrum aims to change that statistic. “We encourage lighting companies and those involved in the illumination industry to consider starting – or building upon – a Neurodiversity Hiring Program. We will be providing resources and networking opportunities for interested parties,” he adds.

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