Gregg Garofalo, Senior Vice President of Lighting One, was pleased to report that Lighting One is one of the CCA divisions leading the way and experiencing growth in membership as well as overall member purchases through the co-op. Several new retail members signed up right before the Dallas market. Lighting One aims to add even more retailers to its fold in upcoming months. Garofalo says that Lighting One members enjoyed consistent sales despite the rocky economic climate.
During the opening day of Dallas market, a large crowd of Lighting One members descended on the Artcraft Lighting showroom in the Trade Mart to view new products and enter a random drawing for cash prizes. The gathering proved very rewarding to Gregg Tunison of Lifestyles in Oklahoma, Joe Kafka of Lincoln Lighting Center in Nebraska, and Jack Fleischer of Hermitage Lighting Gallery. While market attendance seemed a bit soft, Lighting One had strong representation.
Thank you for all who came out support Lighting One. Congrats EnLIGHTenment on your new magazine!
Thank you, Linda! That sure was some crowd of Lighting One members at market.