Page 49 - Lighting Magazine - August 2013
P. 49
The Role of Reps
the eagle has landed
The frst time veteran lighting rep Stephen Schwartz
announced his retirement was three years ago, but
he changed his mind. More than once. It wasn t
until the recent June Dallas Market that it became
ofcial. At the Hudson Valley Lighting showroom,
well-wishers signed a poster, congratulating
Schwartz and wishing him the best in his new life
although he hints that he might still come to future
Dallas markets to visit his life-long friends.
Afer 35 years in the lighting industry, Schwartz
admits it was hard to let go. I wanted to pass on my Stephen Schwartz
name and my hard work, he says. To that end, he (center) is turning
has turned his agency over with the approval of all over the reins of his
of his factories to John Ingles of The LightSource agency to respected
colleagues John
and Duane Averete of Averete Associates. Ingles Ingles (lef) and
and Averete have worked with Schwartz Associ- Duane Averete.
ates for some time. John and I represented the
same companies in an adjacent territory, Schwartz
explains. The same is true of Averete. STEPHEN SCHWARTZ
Schwartz reputation for superior service and his SCHWARTZ ASSOCIATES
prestigious line card were unique assets. I wanted HILLS SOMERS, NY
to give these guys the opportunity [to carry on with
every smart businessman knows when its time to go. i
wanted to go out on top and i knew i had the right guys
to keep it going.
these important business relationships with my cli- time to go, he remarks. I wanted to go out on top
ents]. This was a special situation, Schwartz says. and I knew I had the right guys to keep it going.
This is my time to be with my grandchildren, fam- I feel Im blessed to be in this industry
ily, and [continue] working with charities. Im going especially as a rep. The relationships Ive made are
to be 70 years old this year. very meaningful, Schwartz comments. Its a biter-
David Litman named me The Eagle because sweet decision because Im happy Im retiring, but
of the eagles ability to soar and see things. Now Ill be sad to leave the business.
everyone calls me that, he chuckles. David and I Weve got some big wings to fll, Ingles quips.
are personal friends. I was his frst rep, back when Our [retail] customers are very pleased and so are
he frst started in the business. the factories. We want to make Steve proud.
This is a particularly easy [decision] because This will be a seamless transition, Averete
we shared the same lines, Schwartz states. What adds. The beauty is knowing that our mentor,
made it good for the manufacturers is that they Steve, has confdence in us. With the addition of
don t have to train someone on the product since Averetes and Ingles agencies, the rep coverage
Duane and John are already successful with these spans the New York Tri-State area as well as most
lines. Every smart businessman knows when its of New England.
august 2013 | enLIGHTenment Magazine 47