In Memoriam: Raymond Waites

I remember both the first and last time I saw Raymond Waites in person at High Point Market. The first was in 1994, when he had designed a line of portable lamps for the Tyndale division of Frederick Cooper Lamps. Motifs of bees, butterflies, and luxuriously plump tassels were his signature look then, and when I was introduced to him by Fred Gershanov and Suzanne Lauren, it was with great reverence. Raymond was such a big presence – in spirit and talent – you might assume he would be intimidating, but he was actually  incredibly down to earth with a great sense of humor.

The last time I saw Raymond was at the Fall Hight Point Market in 2013, when he returned to the Frederick Cooper brand (now owned by Wildwood Lamps) to debut his Art Lite line under the Artemis label. In between those nearly 20 years, I would see him at Market in the showrooms of manufacturers he had design collaborations with, and he always greeted me warmly and was a delight to interview.  I am sad to learn of his passing; he left us with a wonderful legacy.

Thel publication Home News Now has published a detailed accounting of his life here  And Home Accents Today posted a tribute with additional information here 


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