Visual Comfort to Operate Independently From Generation Brands

The residential lighting market has been buzzing about the reported acquisition of Visual Comfort by Generation Brands. An announcement by Moody’s Investors Service on February 7 that AEA Investors LP (which purchased Generation Brands last year) had entered into an agreement to acquire Visual Comfort & Co. for $630 million gave credence to what had been heard in the marketplace.

After the acquisition news broke, the next issue to tackle was how Visual Comfort – an award-winning lighting manufacturer with great customer loyalty among interior designers as well as lighting showrooms – would fit into the Generation Brands structure.

Josh Weiss, CEO of Generation Brands, clarified the operations of the companies. “We are very excited that AEA, our investor partner, is in the process of partnering with Visual Comfort,” he said. “While we look forward to sharing best practices to deliver outstanding value to our customers, for the most part Generation Brands and Visual Comfort will continue to operate independently within the marketplace.”

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