How did you enter the lighting industry? By chance! A group I was working with helped fund Elemental LED in the early stage. As I investigated the company and became…
LEADER Sales Rep: Kelly Casagrande- Casagrande Associates, LLC
How did you enter the lighting industry? I had been working for a lumber and building materials distributor until they closed their facility, and I began looking for another position. …
LEADER Retailer: Ric Jolie- Benson’s Lighting & Fans
How did you enter the lighting industry? While in college in the early 1970s with the goal of attending law school, I came to that proverbial “fork in the road”…and,…
LEADER Retailer: Ric Jolie- Benson’s Lighting & Fans
How did you enter the lighting industry? While in college in the early 1970s with the goal of attending law school, I came to that proverbial “fork in the road”…and,…
LEADER Manufacturer:Todd Teiber- Craftmade
How did you enter the lighting industry? I was born into the lighting industry. My dad, Bill Teiber, was a manufacturers’ rep and importer in the residential lighting business. As…
LEGEND Sales Rep: BJ Ferber Bill Ferber & Associates
How did you enter the lighting industry? I learned a lot about the home furnishings business from my dad, Bill Ferber, Sr., who established his own rep firm and had…
LEGEND Sales Rep: BJ Ferber Bill Ferber & Associates
How did you enter the lighting industry? I learned a lot about the home furnishings business from my dad, Bill Ferber, Sr., who established his own rep firm and had…
LEGEND Sales Rep; Howard Ketzner Ketzner Enterprises
How did you enter the lighting industry? In 1975, I interviewed at Angelo Brothers Co. (now Westinghouse) and was hired as a sales representative. My primary customers were lamp shops,…
LEGEND Retailer: Craig Barre Arrow Lighting
How did you get your start in the industry? At age 14, I asked the owner of Arrow Lamp and Lighting in Larchmont, NY, for a job sweeping the floor…
LEGEND Manufacturer: Albert Cohen & (the late) Samuel Bernstein
enLIGHTenment Magazine is proud to present the recipients of our annual awards honoring those individuals in our industry who have been nominated by their peers for leading by example, standing…