Editor’s Note December 2019

Inreviewing the submissions that came in for our Best of 2019 feature, I was thrilled to see so many products embracing the special benefits that LEDs provide in design. In a world that can be slow to embrace change – on the consumer level as well as within our own industry – it is heartening to see wide acceptance of this energy-saving technology from the end-user without the blowback experienced when CFLs were rolled out. Similarly, it is refreshing to witness product designers take on the challenges posed by this completely different light source with its own unique set of technical complications (i.e. dimmer compatibility, challenges in dimmability in regard to color, increased risk of glare).

For those products in our Best of 2019 round-up that are not LED-based, it is satisfying to see the range of creative – and often higher end – materials being employed to such great success instead of simply reinventing the wheel (or the orb, shall we say).

Retail predictions for 2020 from experts not related to the lighting industry call for bolstering one’s digital presence – whether you are a manufacturer or retailer – to catch attention and purchases from the end-consumer. Likewise, brick-and-mortar operators are urged to create a memorable “experience” for those customers who do walk through their doors. Those suggestions are all well and good, but without innovative and attractive product designs, implementing that advice will not take you all the way to success.

This is why I have high hopes for the lighting industry in 2020. I believe the latest designs coming from manufacturers are strong and compelling enough to persuade consumers not previously planning on upgrading their lighting this year to change their minds.

When you go to the January markets next month, consider resisting the temptation to play it safe across the board and – at least in a few cases – make bolder choices than in the past. All indications are that consumers are ready to spend on unique items that not only provide value, but some sort of personal flair to their spaces.

From all of us here at Bravo Business Media and enLIGHTenment Magazine, we wish you a Happy Holiday season and a prosperous New Year.

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